Classpublic class Calendar
InheritanceCalendar Inheritance

This class represents the calendar extension providing access to the user's calendar on the device.

Note: This extension contains references to "Events" that refer to calendar events or calendar entries and not normal actionscript event objects. The normal actionscript event objects are all contained in the package.

Requesting access

Before an attempt is made to retrieve or add events you must request access to the user's calendars. Depending on the platform this may do different things. Under Android < v23 you will simply get a granted response immediately as the user should have agreed to access when they installed the application with the READ_CALENDAR permission. On iOS and Android v23+ the user may get a permissions dialog asking for the application to use the calendar which the user can then deny or grant.

     Calendar.service.addEventListener( AuthorisationEvent.CHANGED, calendar_authorisationChangedHandler );
     switch (Calendar.service.authorisationStatus())
         case AuthorisationStatus.AUTHORISED:
             trace( "AUTHORISED" );
         case AuthorisationStatus.SHOULD_EXPLAIN:
         case AuthorisationStatus.NOT_DETERMINED:
             trace( "REQUEST ACCESS" );
         case AuthorisationStatus.RESTRICTED:    
         case AuthorisationStatus.DENIED:
             trace( "ACCESS DENIED" );
     private function calendar_authorisationChangedHandler( event:AuthorisationEvent ):void
         trace( Calendar.service.authorisationStatus() );
Retrieve calendars

You can retrieve a list of the available calendars that the user has on their device by calling the getCalendars function.

     var calendars:Array = Calendar.service.getCalendars();
     for each (var calendar:CalendarObject in calendars)
             trace( "CALENDAR: [""] " );

This functionality is mainly used to retrieve a list of calender IDs which can be used in the event creation calls to place an event in a specific calendar. If you don't specify a calendar, the user's default calendar will always be used for event addition.

Retrieve events

Retrieving events is as simple as calling the getEvents function, with your required start and end date. You can simply pass new Date() if you wish to retrieve all events.

     var events:Array = Calendar.service.getEvents( new Date(), new Date() );
     for each (var evt:EventObject in events)
         trace( evt.title );
         for each (var alarm:CalendarEventAlarm in evt.alarms)
             trace( "\tALARM: "+alarm.offset );
Adding an event

There are two main methods to add an event:

The first step to either method is to create an event object populated with all the information about the calendar event you require.

     var e:EventObject = new EventObject();
     e.title = "Test title now";
     e.startDate = new Date();
     e.endDate = new Date();
     e.endDate.hours = e.endDate.hours+1;

You can add an alarm to an event by adding a CalendarEventAlarm to the alarms array of the event. Please note that alarms may not be automatically added to an event if you use the addEventWithUI function to add an event. The user has the control to add their own events in this case.

     var a:CalendarEventAlarm = new CalendarEventAlarm();
     a.offset = 5;
     e.alarms.push( a );

You can add recurrence to an event by adding a recurrence rule to the recurrenceRules array of the event. See the Recurrence class documentation for more details on the recurrence properties.

     var r:Recurrence = new Recurrence();
     r.endCount = 5;
     r.interval = 1;
     r.frequency = Recurrence.FREQUENCY_DAILY;
     e.recurrenceRules.push( r );

The addEvent function allows you to add an event directly to the calendar without any user interaction.

     Calendar.service.addEvent( e );

The addEventWithUI function is a user friendly way of adding an entry to a calendar. It presents the user with a dialog allowing them to modify the contents of the event before the event is saved to the selected users calendar. The user may also cancel the event allowing them the ability to override the event addition.

     Calendar.service.addEventListener( CalendarStatusEvent.UI_SAVE,   calendar_uiHandler, false, 0, true );
     Calendar.service.addEventListener( CalendarStatusEvent.UI_CANCEL, calendar_uiHandler, false, 0, true );
     Calendar.service.addEventWithUI( e );
     private function calendar_uiHandler( event:CalendarStatusEvent ):void
         switch (event.type)
             case CalendarStatusEvent.UI_SAVE:
                 // Handle a save event
             case CalendarStatusEvent.UI_CANCEL:
                  // Handle a cancel event

We suggest you use the addEventWithUI version of the function to allow the user any personalisation of the event, and you'll receive UI events informing whether the event was saved or cancelled.


Once the user has denied your application access to the calendar you can direct them to the following location to get them to allow access for your application.

	 Settings / Privacy / Calendars / YOUR APPLICATION Toggle

During testing it is useful to clear the current user's calendar permissions and make the security request dialog appear again you can clear the settings by going to:

	 Settings / General / Reset / Reset Location & Privacy

On Android, the extension uses the new Android 4.0 Calendar API, which means that it will only work on on devices that support the Android SDK v14 or higher. The isSupported flag represents this requirement.

You need to ensure you have the following permissions in your manifest node of your manifest additions in your application descriptor.

         <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
             <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALENDAR"/>
             <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR"/>

If you need to receive UI events (save and cancel) from the UI facilities then you additionally need to add the following application node and activity to the manifest.

         <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
             <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALENDAR"/>
             <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR"/>
                 <activity android:name="com.distriqt.extension.calendar.activities.CalendarAddEventWithUIActivity" android:theme="&android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"></activity>
                 <activity android:name="com.distriqt.extension.calendar.activities.CalendarEditEventWithUIActivity" android:theme="&android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"></activity>

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  implementation : String
[read-only] The implementation currently in use.
  isSupported : Boolean
[static] [read-only] Whether the current device supports the extensions functionality
  nativeVersion : String
[read-only] The native version string of the native extension.
  service : Calendar
[static] [read-only] The singleton instance of the Extension class.
  version : String
[read-only] The version of this extension.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Constructor You should not call this directly, but instead use the singleton access
Adds an event to the default calendar without presenting any form of UI.
This function will create an event in the user's calendar and show a UI element to allow them to edit it before saving Any of the elements you set on the EventObject will be prepopulated in the UI presented to the user.
Retrieves the current authorisation status of this application.
Disposes the extension and releases any allocated resources.
editEventWithUI(eventId:String, editable:Boolean = true):Boolean
Displays a dialog to allow the user to edit the specified event.
Retrieves an array of the available user calendars on the device in the form of an Array of CalendarObject.
getEvents(from:Date = null, to:Date = null, calendarId:String):Array
Returns an array of calendar events within the date range.
Helper method to determine if the current application has access to the user's photo library
Deprecated: You no longer need to use an application key
[static] Initialises the extension class for use with the provided key.
Removes the specified event.
Initialises and requests access to the calendar.
Allows you to update the details of an event.
 Event Summary Defined By
   Dispatched when the user changes the authorisation status.Calendar
   Dispatched when the user presses Cancel on a UI element, i.e.Calendar
   Dispatched when the user presses Save on a UI element, i.e.Calendar
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  EXT_CONTEXT_ID : String = com.distriqt.Calendar
  VERSION : String = 5.1.0
Property Detail
implementation:String  [read-only]

The implementation currently in use. This should be one of the following depending on the platform in use and the functionality supported by this extension:

    public function get implementation():String
isSupported:Boolean  [read-only]

Whether the current device supports the extensions functionality

    public static function get isSupported():Boolean
nativeVersion:String  [read-only]

The native version string of the native extension.

    public function get nativeVersion():String
service:Calendar  [read-only]

The singleton instance of the Extension class.

    public static function get service():Calendar
version:String  [read-only]

The version of this extension.

This should be of the format, MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD

    public function get version():String
Constructor Detail
public function Calendar()

Constructor You should not call this directly, but instead use the singleton access

Method Detail
public function addEvent(event:EventObject):int

Adds an event to the default calendar without presenting any form of UI.

All of the elements of the event must already be set before passing to this function.


event:EventObject — The EventObject to add to the calendar


See also

public function addEventWithUI(event:EventObject):void

This function will create an event in the user's calendar and show a UI element to allow them to edit it before saving

Any of the elements you set on the EventObject will be prepopulated in the UI presented to the user.


Please note that under Android alarms cannot be automatically set when using the UI to create an event. They can only be set when using the #addEvent function directly.

If you wish to receive UI events from this process you need to have added the manifest additions specified in the main documentation.


event:EventObject — The initial values to populate the UI with

See also

public function authorisationStatus():String

Retrieves the current authorisation status of this application.

There are several possible values as defined in the AuthorisationStatus class.

String — The AuthorisationStatus string

See also

public function dispose():void

Disposes the extension and releases any allocated resources. Once this function has been called, a call to init is neccesary again before any of the extensions functionality will work.

public function editEventWithUI(eventId:String, editable:Boolean = true):Boolean

Displays a dialog to allow the user to edit the specified event.

You'll receive the same events as with an add event UI, i.e. CalendarStatusEvent.UI_SAVE etc. Note though that you may receive the UI cancel event even when a user presses save/done if they didn't make any changes to the event.


eventId:String — The ID of the event to edit
editable:Boolean (default = true) — [Unused]

Boolean — true if successful and false otherwise

See also

public function getCalendars():Array

Retrieves an array of the available user calendars on the device in the form of an Array of CalendarObject.

Array — An array of CalendarObject

See also

public function getEvents(from:Date = null, to:Date = null, calendarId:String):Array

Returns an array of calendar events within the date range.

Note: The calendar ID function is currently not implemented on iOS


from:Date (default = null) — The date to start the event search from
to:Date (default = null) — The date to perform the event search to
calendarId:String — The calendar ID to query, if empty all calendars available are queried

Array — An array of EventObject instances

See also

public function hasAccess():Boolean

Helper method to determine if the current application has access to the user's photo library

public static function init(key:String):void
Deprecated: You no longer need to use an application key

Initialises the extension class for use with the provided key.



public function removeEvent(event:EventObject):Boolean

Removes the specified event. You'll need to ensure the event is valid for this function to work correctly. These can be retrieved by a call to getEvents.



Boolean — true if the event was successfully removed and false otherwise

See also

public function requestAccess():Boolean

Initialises and requests access to the calendar. This may display a security box under iOS and Android v23+

iOS: On first call (or if the privacy has been reset) this will cause the display of a dialog requesting the user authorise your application to have access to the user's calendar.

This will always dispatch one of the access status events, indicating if your application has access to the calendar. You should implement listeners for the access events and respond accordingly.

public function updateEvent(event:EventObject):Boolean

Allows you to update the details of an event. You should have previously retrieved the event using getEvents and have a valid system event ID for the event before this call will work.

Important: If your app modifies a user's Calendar database, it must get confirmation from the user before doing so. An app should never modify the Calendar database without specific instruction from the user.


event:EventObject — The updated event to save

Boolean — true if successful and false otherwise

See also

Event Detail
authorisation:changed Event
Event Object Type:
AuthorisationEvent.type property =

Dispatched when the user changes the authorisation status. The status will indicate the new authorisation status.

calendar:ui:cancel Event  
Event Object Type:
CalendarStatusEvent.type property =

Dispatched when the user presses Cancel on a UI element, i.e. the addEventWithUI functionality.

The event will not be saved or appear in the calendar

calendar:ui:delete Event  
Event Object Type:
CalendarStatusEvent.type property =

calendar:ui:save Event  
Event Object Type:
CalendarStatusEvent.type property =

Dispatched when the user presses Save on a UI element, i.e. the addEventWithUI functionality.

If this event is receieved the previous event should now be in the users calendar

This event is not functioning with recent updates to the Android calendar application due to a bug in the activity process. We're working on a solution but currently do not rely on this event.

Constant Detail
public static const EXT_CONTEXT_ID:String = com.distriqt.Calendar

public static const VERSION:String = 5.1.0