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SCAN_FINISHED — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.events.BluetoothEvent
SCAN_MODE_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.events.BluetoothEvent
SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
The device can receive and make connections but is not discoverable
SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_DISCOVERABLE — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
The device can receive and make connections and also can be discovered by other devices
SCAN_MODE_NONE — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
The device is not in a valid scan mode
SCAN_STARTED — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.events.BluetoothEvent
service — Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.Bluetooth
The singleton instance of the Bluetooth class.
setDeviceDiscoverable(discoverable:Boolean, seconds:int) — method, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.Bluetooth
Sets the device to be discoverable to other devices for a specified amount of time.
showSettings() — method, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.Bluetooth
Displays the bluetooth settings panel to the user.
startScan() — method, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.Bluetooth
This function will start the scan (discovery) process to find available devices.
state — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
The state of the device.
STATE_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.events.BluetoothEvent
STATE_NOT_AVAILABLE — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
The bluetooth device is not available at this time
STATE_OFF — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
The bluetooth device is swithed off
STATE_ON — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
The device is on
STATE_TURNING_OFF — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
The device is powering off
STATE_TURNING_ON — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
The device is turning on
STATE_UNKNOWN — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
The state of the device is unknown
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