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Bluetooth — class, package com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth |
This class represents the bluetooth extension providing access to the
bluetooth functionality on
Using the Bluetooth APIs, an Android application can perform the following:
Scan for other Bluetooth devices
Query the local Bluetooth adapter for paired Bluetooth devices
Establish RFCOMM channels
Connect to other devices through service discovery
Transfer data to and from other devices
Manage multiple connections
Creating a connection between devices
For a bluetooth connection there must be a 'server' or a listener and
a 'client' or connector. |
Bluetooth() — Constructor, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.Bluetooth |
You should not call this directly, but instead use the singleton access
bluetoothClass — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice |
If available this "class" object gives additional information
about the device, such as whether the device is a phone or a
headset. |
BluetoothClass — class, package com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth |
Describes information about the 'class' of a bluetooth device. |
BluetoothClass() — Constructor, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothClass |
BluetoothConnectionEvent — class, package com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.events |
This event describes connection events related to the listening
and connecting functionality of the bluetooth extension. |
BluetoothConnectionEvent(type:String, uuid:String, device:com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth:BluetoothDevice, message:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.events.BluetoothConnectionEvent |
BluetoothDevice — class, package com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth |
This class represents a bluetooth device. |
BluetoothDevice() — Constructor, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice |
BluetoothDeviceEvent — class, package com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.events |
| |
BluetoothDeviceEvent(type:String, device:com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth:BluetoothDevice, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.events.BluetoothDeviceEvent |
BluetoothEvent — class, package com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.events |
| |
BluetoothEvent(type:String, data:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.distriqt.extension.bluetooth.events.BluetoothEvent |
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