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May 2021

· 3 min read

APM, AdMob and Google Play Services.

This month has seen major development work being done on APM. We are excited that some sponsorship has meant we have been able to spend some time on this tool and we are hoping to start releasing some prototypes to the community.

AdMob had a major update last month and we have updated the Adverts extension to reflect this major change. This has been a large amount of work for us, so hopefully it's keeping your AIR applications running smoothly with monetisation through advertising!

We are continuing towards some Flutter extensions and are still looking for suggestions. If anyone has any requests we are looking for a good initial project to expand our services, please feel free to get in touch with your ideas.

AIR Package Manager

Work on APM has been progressing and we now have a prototype command line utility written in AS3 alongside the latest AIR SDK which is working really well. We currently have the framework completed and the ability to create a project definition file (apm init) and edit configuration params (apm project config set).

The AIR Package Manager allows management of AIR libraries and extensions and assists in creation of the application descriptor.

I'll be looking into options for the repository next month and implementing the search and install functionality.

We have also been in discussions to allow this tool to download and update the AIR SDK which will make keeping on top of the latest SDK changes easier.

Have a look at the repository and if you have any thoughts and feel you could help please reach out, either by sponsoring or contributing.


AdMob SDK has been updated to the latest release including:

  • Android v20.0.0
  • iOS v8.4.0

As mentioned last month, this update is a major restructure to some of the processes

App Open Ads have been added with this release.

This update includes some breaking changes to the API including:

  • removal of the "left application" event;
  • move to a common FullScreenContentEvent for interstitial and rewarded video events;
  • and change of ad request configuration options to a global RequestConfiguration interface;

Make sure you check out the migration guide.

Google Play Services

Updated to latest Google Play Services and Firebase SDKs including the dependency libraries for AdMob v20.0.0.

We have also added the Provider Installer functionality. This allows your application to update the device's security provider ensuring your application is running on a device that has the latest updates to protect against known exploits.

Lastly there have been some updates for Games, correcting an issue with a dependency.

As always, if you have any native development needs for AIR, Unity, Flutter or Haxe, please feel free to contact us at