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Migrating to v11.2

v11.2 brings the latest release of OneSignal:

  • Android v4.8.3
  • iOS v3.12.3

It also includes the new notification permissions for Android 13+.

OneSignal Frameworks

OneSignal now requires usage of dynamic frameworks. You will need to ensure you include the Frameworks folder in the appropriate place in your application. If using apm simply add the assets/ios folder contents to be packaged at the root of your application. If not, download the frameworks from the repository and place them in a Frameworks folder at the root of your application.

See the OneSignal "Add the extension" documentation for more details.

Android 13 (API 33) Permissions

With Android 13 comes a new runtime user permission required to present a user with notifications.

If you do not update your users will be presented with the permission notification on launch of your application.

Authorisation process follows exactly the same code you have used for iOS and from a developer perspective no changes are needed, except that you need to handle a SHOULD_EXPLAIN case for Android, similar to other permissions.

See the documentation on requesting authorisation for more information.

If you are using apm all you need to do is update to the latest build and regenerate your application descriptor. apm will handle the rest.

apm update 
apm generate app-descriptor src/Main-app.xml