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System Control

The system control interface allows your application to dispatch system wide events that other applications can respond to. These events are the default system control events for media and may control the active media player (most player respond to these events however it does depend on the application implementation).

This functionality is provided through the SystemControl interface, which can be accessed via MediaPlayer.service.systemControl.

Currently this is only supported on Android v19+.


You can check whether the current device is supported by checking the isSupported property.

if (MediaPlayer.service.systemControl.isSupported)
// System control actions are supported


You can perform several operations that can control the current media player:

  • play() : Dispatches the media play event;
  • pause() : Dispatches the media pause event;
  • next() : Dispatches the media next track event;
  • previous() : Dispatches the media previous track event;
  • playPause() : Dispatches the media play pause event to toggle the play state;

For example, to pause the active media:

if (MediaPlayer.service.systemControl.isSupported)