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Get Purchases

On services where you can directly query the service for user purchases you can call the getPurchases() function to retrieve them directly from the service.


This is not supported on services like Apple's InAppPurchases where the only method of retrieving purchases is through a user initiated restore purchases process or via a server. See Restore Purchases for more on user initiated purchases restoring.

There is an exception to this, in the situation where you are using the application receipt variant of the extension. In that variant this functionality will extract all the purchase information from the "application receipt" by decoding the receipt locally on the device.

To query the purchases, simply call getPurchases and wait for one of the following events:

  • PurchaseEvent.GET_PURCHASES_COMPLETE: Dispatched when the purchases have been retrieved successfully
  • PurchaseEvent.GET_PURCHASES_FAILED: Dispatched when there was an error

If the call is not supported it will return false.

You can also check the isGetPurchasesSupported flag to determine if the functionality is supported on the current service.

For example:

if (InAppBilling.service.isGetPurchasesSupported)
InAppBilling.service.addEventListener( PurchaseEvent.GET_PURCHASES_COMPLETE, getPurchasesCompleteHandler );
InAppBilling.service.addEventListener( PurchaseEvent.GET_PURCHASES_FAILED, getPurchasesFailedHandler );

// Not supported - you should use restore purchases and track purchases in your app

function getPurchasesCompleteHandler( event:PurchaseEvent ):void
for each (var purchase:Purchase in
processPurchase( purchase );

function getPurchasesFailedHandler( event:PurchaseEvent ):void
// getPurchases failed

During your processPurchase implementation you should be sure to check the purchase.transactionState. Only purchases in the state Purchase.STATE_PURCHASED should be delivered to your user. You may find there are deferred states on some platforms.

// Check the purchase state
if (purchase.transactionState == Purchase.STATE_PURCHASED)
// Deliver product to user

Application Receipt Variant

A small note for the iOS application receipt variant. This variant uses the "application receipt" which is encoded data provided by the App Store for your application. There are certain circumstances where it may be out-of-date or not available, eg initial install on the iOS simulator.

When it is not available get purchases will fail.

It will be updated any time you interact with the App Store, eg via making a purchase or restoring purchases, or you can manually refresh it using the InAppBilling.service.applicationReceipt.refresh() method.

If you wish you can manually decode the receipt for more information. Access it via InAppBilling.service.applicationReceipt.getAppReceipt().

Decoding this receipt is beyond the scope of our support.

See Application Receipt for more information.