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Force Touch

The Force Touch extension gives access to pressure events and application shortcuts for Android 25+ and iOS 9+ "3D touch" enabled devices.

The simple API allows you to quickly integrate pressure events and application shortcuts in your AIR application in just a few lines of code. We provide complete guides and asdocs to get you up and running quickly and easily.


  • 3D Touch: Detect pressure-sensitive touch events with stage position and force percentage
  • Shortcut Items: Utilise static and dynamic application shortcuts for your application, and respond to shortcut events in your app
  • Single API interface - your code works across supported platforms with no modifications
  • Sample project code and ASDocs reference

As with all our extensions you get access to a year of support and updates as we are continually improving and updating the extensions for OS updates and feature requests.


The documentation site forms the best source of detailed documentation for the extension along with the asdocs.

Quick Example:

var shortcut:ApplicationShortcut = new ApplicationShortcut()
.setIdentifier( "" )
.setTitle( "News" );

ForceTouch.service.shortcuts.addDynamicShortcut( shortcut );


function shortcutSelectedHandler( event:ApplicationShortcutEvent ):void
// process shortcut

More information here:



You can purchase a license for using this extension:

distriqt retains all copyright.