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Games - Game Request Dialog


This is the legacy extension documentation. Find the new documentation here

Game Requests

Game requests give players a mechanism for inviting their friends to play a game. Requests are sent by a player to one or more friends, and always carry a call-to-action for the game. Recipients can be existing players or new players.

Game Request Dialog

Game requests give players a mechanism for inviting their friends to play a game. Requests are sent by a player to one or more friends, and always carry a call-to-action for the game. Recipients can be existing players or new players.

Game requests can be used to attract new players or to re-engage existing players. Requests can be sent in two scenarios:

  • The recipient is a friend of the sender and has not authenticated the game. This scenario is useful for invites.
  • The recipient is a friend of the sender and has authenticated the game before. This scenario is useful for turn-based notifications, gifting, and asking for help.

Requests are sent while the sender is in-game and are surfaced to recipients in several places on Facebook. Requests are always private, and can only be seen by the recipient. While a single request can be sent to multiple recipients at once, the receiver of a request only ever sees details of the sender, and can never see either other recipients of the request.

For more information see:

In order to show the Game Request Dialog your Facebook app must be setup as a game category. If not you will want to look into the App Invite Dialog.

The Game Request Dialog is very similar to other dialogs in the Facebook API.

You will use an GameRequestContentBuilder to construct the content to use for the dialog and pass this to the show function.


The builder GameRequestContentBuilder is a helper class that allows you to easily construct the correct content parameters for the Game Request Dialog.

var builder:GameRequestContentBuilder = new GameRequestContentBuilder()
.setMessage( "Come play this game with me" );


Once you have created the content builder you then pass the output from this builder to the show function of the GameRequest interface: );

This initiates the dialog and presents it to the user. You should check the response of this function. It is a boolean value and indicates if the Game Request dialog construction was initiated correctly. If will return false if the required dialog type isn't supported or if the application isn't setup correctly.


There are three possible events dispatched after a call to show:

  • GameRequestEvent.DIALOG_COMPLETED: when the game request was successfully completed
  • GameRequestEvent.DIALOG_CANCELLLED: when the user cancelled the game request
  • GameRequestEvent.DIALOG_ERROR: when an error occurred during the process
FacebookAPI.service.appInvite.addEventListener( GameRequestEvent.DIALOG_COMPLETED, gameRequestEventHandler );
FacebookAPI.service.appInvite.addEventListener( GameRequestEvent.DIALOG_CANCELLED, gameRequestEventHandler );
FacebookAPI.service.appInvite.addEventListener( GameRequestEvent.DIALOG_ERROR, gameRequestEventHandler );

And then your event handler:

private function gameRequestEventHandler( event:GameRequestEvent ):void 

Note that in some circumstances the completed event maybe dispatched even when the user cancelled the invite. This is an issue with the Facebook SDK and we will update as soon as they have made a fix available.