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Broadcasting will make the device act as a beacon so that other devices can detect the device as if it were a beacon.


To check if broadcasting is available on the current device check the isBroadcastAvailable() flag.

if (Beacon.service.isBroadcastAvailable())
// Broadcasting is available on this device

Check if broadcasting

You can also check if the current device is already broadcasting as a beacon. This

if (Beacon.service.isBroadcasting())
// Device is broadcasting

Start broadcasting

To start broadcasting call the startBroadcast() function passing in the configuration for the beacon broadcast. The configuration is set by creating an instance of the BroadcastConfig class and setting the properties appropriate for your situation.

The details provided in the configuration identify the device. Of particular importance is the UUID provided to the constructor along with the major and minor values.

For example:

var config:BroadcastConfig = new BroadcastConfig( "7b44b47b-52a1-5381-90c2-f09b6838c5d4" );
config.major = 1;
config.minor = 5;

var success:Boolean = Beacon.service.startBroadcast( config );

success will be true if the broadcast was started successfully.

Stop broadcasting

To stop broadcasting call the stopBroadcast() function.

var success:Boolean = Beacon.service.stopBroadcast();

success will be true if the broadcast was stopped successfully. It may be false if the device was not broadcasting.

It's often good to wrap the stop call in the isBroadcasting() check, to ensure the device is broadcasting before attempting to stop:

if (Beacon.service.isBroadcasting())


There are 3 events that will be dispatched during broadcasting:

  • BroadcastEvent.BROADCAST_START: Dispatched when the broadcasting starts successfully
  • BroadcastEvent.BROADCAST_ERROR: Dispatched if there was an error when starting broadcasting
  • BroadcastEvent.BROADCAST_STOP: Dispatched when broadcasting stops

The events are dispatched by the main Beacon.service instance, for example:

Beacon.service.addEventListener( BroadcastEvent.BROADCAST_START, startHandler );
Beacon.service.addEventListener( BroadcastEvent.BROADCAST_ERROR, errorHandler );
Beacon.service.addEventListener( BroadcastEvent.BROADCAST_STOP, stopHandler );

function startHandler( event:BroadcastEvent ):void
// broadcast started

function errorHandler( event:BroadcastEvent ):void

function stopHandler( event:BroadcastEvent ):void
// broadcast stopped