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version — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.vibration.Vibration |
The version of this extension. |
VERSION — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.vibration.Vibration |
| |
vibrate(duration:Number, pattern:Array, repeat:int) — method, class com.distriqt.extension.vibration.Vibration |
Sends the instruction to trigger device vibration.
You can either specify a duration to vibrate for or can specify a vibration pattern.
To vibrate in a pattern pass in an array of ints that are the
durations for which to turn on or off the vibrator in milliseconds. |
Vibration — class, package com.distriqt.extension.vibration |
This class represents the vibration extension.
On Android its very important that you add the permissions to your application descriptor
otherwise the vibrate calls will not work. |
Vibration() — Constructor, class com.distriqt.extension.vibration.Vibration |
You should not call this directly, but instead use the singleton access
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