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DARK — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.ApplicationRaterTheme
Use the dark theme
debugMode — Property, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.ApplicationRater
Sets the extension into a debug mode, so that the hasMetConditions call always returns true.
DEFAULT — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.ApplicationRaterTheme
The default theme set by the user on their device
DEFAULT_DECLINE_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.ApplicationRater
DEFAULT_LATER_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.ApplicationRater
DEFAULT_MESSAGE — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.ApplicationRater
DEFAULT_RATE_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.ApplicationRater
DEFAULT_TITLE — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.ApplicationRater
DIALOG_CANCELLED — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.events.ApplicationRaterEvent
Dispatched when the user cancels the rate dialog.
DIALOG_DISPLAYED — Constant Static Property, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.events.ApplicationRaterEvent
Dispatched when the rate dialog is displayed to the user, either from an auto prompt occurence or by calling showRateDialog manually.
dispose() — method, class com.distriqt.extension.applicationrater.ApplicationRater
Disposes the extension and releases any allocated resources.
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